Monday, November 10, 2008

This piece, by Melanie, is begging to become a full-length novel. The assignment was to create a story that is reminiscent of The Outsiders, and she definitely succeeds. It also reminds me of one of my favorite young adult novels Inventing Elliot. Now I want to read Chapter 2. Enjoy!

Color Blind – Chapter One

A sharp, stinging pain in my chest hits me. That’s it, I’ve gone too far. I consider stopping. No, I must go on. If I stop, a larger pain will overcome me. So I’ll keep running. Running past stores and restaurants and houses. Nearly ramming into poles and cars and people.

“You can’t run forever, you freak!” That twang-like sound of 180 pounds of muscle roaring behind me. Close behind me. Closer than I’d like. I move faster. It doesn’t last long.

My breathing begins to fail me and my lungs cramp uncomfortably. I’m finding it harder and harder to move. No, that’s it. I’m done. I can’t go on; I’m too tired.

I leap into the nearest alleyway I can find, hoping to confuse the train of attackers coming after me. For a moment I think I am safe, and I lean against an old building’s wall for support. Several strands of my thick, white hair cover my eyes, and I push them away as I gasp for air.

As another moment passes, I listen quietly for my hunters. Silence. I risk a look around the corner. Nothing. A large sigh escapes my lips. I’m free.

My feet try to lift themselves, but are too weak to move. I decide to just let myself slide down the building until I’m sitting, my back leaning up against the wall. Luckily, the rest of me can still move, and I lift my arm up to my pale forehead and wipe the sweat from my face using the sleeve of my black jacket.

Suddenly my heart stops as I hear a voice near me. “There you are, Samsicle.” He calls me by that stupid nickname. “You really thought you could get away from us?” His dark brown hair is slick with sweat from all the running. His green eyes hold a cruel fire as he nods to one of his friends. He’s only got two with him, but they’re both just as large and strong.

The one he had nodded to, a blonde with a large bandage over his nose and ratty clothes, chuckles and makes his way slowly to wear I sit helplessly. My legs try to move. Nothing. I curse under my breath as the blonde lifts me harshly up by my arm. I attempt to slug him with my free one. He simply grabs it, and with what I assume must be lighting speed, twists it around to my back and applies pressure upward. I wince; it hurts.

The brown haired one (whose name is Cal), smiles and grabs my hair, lifting my head up to look at him. I struggle, but the blonde applies the pressure again and I stop immediately.

“You know,” Cal starts, “that’s very unkind of you, running away from us.” He grins and the other two (the third being a black haired guy with a scar in between his eyes) chuckle a bit. I begin to whimper, as they proceed to beat the heck out of me.

Hi. My name’s Sam Devens. I’m your average 15 year old guy, trying to get through life. You know; school, parents, friends, girls. Oh yeah, and did I mention I’m an albino? Yeah, I have white hair and pale skin. That’s why, for as long as I can remember, I’ve been beaten up, made fun of, called names, and excluded from a lot of stuff because of it. I only have a few friends, and they get bullied for being friends with me. It makes me feel really bad. They tell me not to care so much, but I can’t help it.

Those guys who you just read about, Cal and his gang, are the ones that beat me up and bully me the most. I’m getting really sick of it. But they’re stronger and bigger than me, and I just can’t fight back.

Still, they’ll get it one day. I just know it. They’ll stop picking on me, and leave me alone. Some day…


Andrea said...

I loved this! Good job Melanie. :D

Anonymous said...

Good Job Melanie. You should keep going with it sounds like a good story so far i would deffinetly wanna read more

Anonymous said...

It's very deep and intense. I'm actually an albino myself. My childhood was similar. I'm so glad i read this. It would be nice to hear more.

Tom- Nebraska

Anonymous said...

OMG Melanie, that was an AWSOME!!!! story! i love it! it was so well written and i was really into the book. its amazing you could include at that detail and yet make it not too overwhelming. keep up the good work!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is such a good story! It is soo intense and thrilling. I hope you continue this peice.

Anonymous said...

I cried a long intense cry. I love it. Makes me think and ponder about life itself. You should continue with this story of yours. I love it. It's sensational.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing! You did such a good job Melanie!

Anonymous said...

This is great Melanie. I liked the short story so much i read it almost 5 times. I hope you keep adding to it. It could be a really great book. Keep up the great work!