Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Leaf Poem

I think this poem, by Sarah, speaks for itself.

You are like a dragon engulfed in power
Flaming like a brilliant sun
Scaly like a serpent

Freckled - black spots adore you
You're like a teardrop sliding down my cheek

Did you fall hard?
Or crunch softly among your brethren?

A Few of My Favorite Things

No, I don't mean raindrops on roses. I'm talking about the humorous memoirs which I have recently finished grading. I cacluated it out, and I have read almost 400 pages of student work in the last week and a half. Wow -- that's like an entire novel!

I decided to share a few lines that stood out from the crowd. I'd love to hear you weigh in with comments on which of these are your favorites out there in cyberspace!

1. When I was little, I spent countless hours jumping from couch to couch, thinking I was an airplane, slashing through the clouds. -- Luisa

2. He was almost through [his Rice Crispie treat], but unlike every other kid, he wasn't finished. The wrapper awaited, seeming to stare at him as he stuffed his small mouth with the last piece of the crisp snack. -- Chris

3. It felt like time had slowed down. Her lips moved, talking to her friend next to her while she held her books in her hands. Her footsteps echoed. Step, step, step. They interwined with the beating of my heart. Every step was like a stake being driven into my chest. My breathing hastened. I was going to faint. -- Eric

4. We roll into the kitchen like ninjas, thinking we are the most secretive people on Earth, feeling like no one will ever catch us or defeat us. -- Kylie

5. Noiselessly grabbing the bottle of lotion, we turned around, creeping back downstairs, careful not to creak the stairs again. Once back downstairs we could finally breathe again. -- Karen